Colour and Vision
Colour and Vision

Tubipora Musica (Organ-Pipe Coral)
1 / 13
1 / 13

Drotops Megalomanicus
2 / 13
2 / 13

Euchroma Gigantea (Giant Jewel Beetles)
3 / 13
3 / 13

Psittacula Krameri (Three Rose-Ringed Parakeets)
4 / 13
4 / 13

Lamprotornis Purpureus (Two 'Glossy' Starlings)
5 / 13
5 / 13

Chameleo Vulgaris
6 / 13
6 / 13

Sternorrhynchea (Cochineal Beetles)
7 / 13
7 / 13

Morpho Cypris (Drawer of Blue Morpho Butterflies)
8 / 13
8 / 13

Anomalocaris Canadensis
9 / 13
9 / 13

Testudo Paradalis (Leopard Tortoise)
10 / 13
10 / 13

Lophorina Superba (Superb Bird of Paradise)
11 / 13
11 / 13

Gazella Subgutturosa (Cross Section of Gazelle Eyeball)
12 / 13
12 / 13

Loddigesia Mirabilis (Marvellous Spatuletail)
13 / 13
13 / 13
This series was made in and amongst the specimens in the conservation rooms at London's Natural History Museum and charts the evolution of sight and colour in the natural world.